Board of Trustees Meeting

Event Date: 
Tuesday, May 8, 2018 - 6:30pm




MAY 8, 2018


6:30 pm:     Open Public Meeting and consider motion to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss personnel             and legal issues.

7:30 pm:     Regular Meeting to commence.

Pledge of Allegiance

Prayer:       Trustee Sullivan.

Public Hearing:

1.  Public hearing for the purpose of considering amending parking regulations on Stanley Avenue.

Presentation:  (Please limit presentations to no more than 7 minutes)

1.  Presentation by Sustainable Westchester on Community Choice Aggregation.

2.  Presentation of Eagle Awards by the Energy Task Force.

3.  Presentation by River Town Cruises on proposed Pilot Program.

Courtesy of the Floor  (Please limit comments to no more than 3 minutes)

Matters Requiring Action:

1.  Consider a motion to approve Audits #1 and #2 for May 2018 as recommended by the Village Treasurer.

2.  Consider a resolution approving the tax warrant for the 2018 tax year.

3.  Consider a motion authorizing the acceptance of a monetary donation from Mr. and Mrs. George T. Kan in support of the Village of Dobbs Ferry Police Department in the amount of $1,000.00.

4.  Consider a motion to award the bid for 2018 Joint Road Paving to the lowest responsible bidder, PCI Industries Corp. for a total amount of $1,043,535.00. The amount that Dobbs Ferry would be responsible for is $80,900.00.

5.  Consider a motion to authorize Police Chief Manuel Guevara to sign a renewal of the communications service agreement with Goosetown Communications for a rate of $1,309.00 per month.

6.  Consider a motion to authorize the Fire Chief to sell a 1981 Mack Engine to the Terryville Fire Department for the amount of $5,000.00.

7.  Consider a resolution authorizing the Village of Dobbs Ferry to enter into an agreement with the County of Westchester for the purpose of undertaking a Community Development Program. (Westchester County CDBG Consortium)

8.  Consider a resolution for the designation of Westchester County to administer the provision of the Affordable Housing Article in the Dobbs Ferry Zoning Code.

9.  Consider a resolution declaring June 2, 2018 as Gun Violence Awareness Day in the Village of Dobbs Ferry.

10.  Consider a motion to authorize the Village Administrator to sign an agreement with Westchester Greenhouses to manage the 2018 Farmers Market.

11.  Consider a motion to approve a request from the PTSA Safe Routes to School Committee to place signage to increase awareness about pedestrian safety on various Village locations.

12.  Consider a motion to approve a request from Ms. Michelle Veyvoda to have a block party on May 28, 2018 from 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Palisade Avenue.

13.  Consider a motion to approve a request from Ms. Lisa Brady/Superintendent of Schools to place a banner for the School Budget Vote at Cedar and Main Streets.


1.  April 20, 2018

2.  April 24, 2018

Correspondence and Claims

