Event Date: 
Wednesday, July 13, 2022 - 8:00pm


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that there will be a regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Dobbs Ferry on Wednesday evening, July 13, 2022 at 8:00 p.m., in the Meeting Room of the Board, 112 Main Street, Dobbs Ferry, New York.

Except as may be authorized by any overriding federal, state or local order, all meetings of the Village’s boards or committees qualifying as “public bodies” are conducted in accordance with Open Meetings Law (NYS Public Officers Law, Article 7). One or more board members may be participating remotely during public meetings under “extraordinary circumstances” as authorized by Open Meetings Law 103-a. Unless specifically set forth on the Village Website (www.dobbsferry.com), in the meeting notice or on the agenda, meetings are conducted using a hybrid format and interested parties are invited to observe any meeting either in-person or virtually through the videoconferencing service Zoom which can be accessed by: (i) typing "join.zoom.us" on your web browser and entering the Webinar ID 873 6907 9914 and Passcode 248129; or (ii)  using the direct link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87369079914?pwd=dGQ0SzV1bnZhcW9BdUZvdWdNUmVuZz09 ; or (iii) dialing the one-tap phone number +1 929 205 6099. If you are participating via Zoom either by phone or by video, do not use the “chat” function to participate. You must “raise your hand” in order to make public comments or participate in the meeting. If joining by video, you may use the webinar controls to raise your hand. If joining by phone, push *9 to raise your hand and *6 to unmute yourself.

The meetings will also be broadcast live on Optimum/Altice (Ch. 75) and Verizon (Ch. 46) as well as streamed live on YouTube - youtube.com/VillageofDobbsFerry



Click here to view backup documentation for the ZBA meeting of July 13, 2022.

1.  72 Colonial Avenue – Public Hearing for proposed plans of landscaping including driveway alteration, retaining wall and fence.