Event Date: 
Tuesday, August 15, 2023 - 7:30pm

AUGUST 15, 2023

The members of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Dobbs Ferry will meet in person on Tuesday, August 15, 2023 at 7:30 p.m. at Village Hall located at 112 Main Street, Dobbs Ferry, New York.  Members of the public may join the meeting in person at Village Hall or any location listed in this notice, or remotely by using the Zoom information below. 

Meeting locations are as follows:

  • Village Hall, 112 Main Street, Dobbs Ferry, New York 10522
  • 4 Washington Avenue, Avon by the Sea, New Jersey 07717

Except as may be authorized by any overriding federal, state or local order, all meetings of the Village’s boards or committees qualifying as “public bodies” are conducted in accordance with Open Meetings Law (NYS Public Officers Law, Article 7). One or more board members may be participating remotely during public meetings under “extraordinary circumstances” as authorized by Open Meetings Law 103-a. Unless specifically set forth on the Village website (, in the meeting notice or on the agenda, meetings are conducted using a hybrid format and interested parties are invited to observe a meeting either in-person or virtually through the videoconferencing service Zoom which can be accessed by: (i) typing "" on your web browser and entering the Webinar ID #205 957 953, and Passcode: 309361;  or (ii) using the direct link; or (iii) dialing one-tap telephone number 1 929 205 6099. 

The meeting will be streamed live on YouTube:


Pledge of Allegiance


1.  Presentation on proposed development (site plan, subdivision) for property at 94/95 Ashford Avenue; and Consider a resolution to authorize necessary referrals and initiate the SEQRA process

2.  Presentation on proposed development (site plan, subdivision) for the property at 6 Cedar Street; and Consider a resolution to authorize necessary referrals and initiate the SEQRA process


1.  Mayor Rossillo to announce the appointment of Justin Kurian to the ad-hoc Beautification Committee as recommended by the Nominating Committee

2.  Mayor Rossillo to announce the appointment of Carol Pollack to the ad-hoc Sustainability Task Force as recommended by the Nominating Committee

Courtesy of the Floor


1.  Resolution:  Consider a resolution to establish a Route 9 Joint Committee and Advisory Committee

2.  Resolution:  Consider a resolution authorizing the Village to go out to bid for the Gould Park wall and park improvements

3.  Resolution:  Consider a resolution awarding the bid for the purchase of new battery operated extrication tools as recommended by the Dobbs Ferry Volunteer Fire Department

4.  Resolution: Consider a resolution authorizing the Village Administrator to execute an agreement for reimbursement funding from FEMA for the Maple Street Road & Catch Basin Repair Project

5.  Resolution:  Consider a resolution authorizing the Village Administrator to execute an agreement to accept reimbursement funding from FEMA for the Maple Street Retaining Wall Project

6.  Resolution:  Consider a resolution to authorize a budget transfer in the amount of $2,599.99 to purchase a Solus Plus Reader for the Department of Public Works

7.  Resolution:  Consider a resolution accepting grant money from the Office of the Aging in the amount of $34,000.00

8.  Resolution:  Consider a resolution committing matching funds for a New York State Public Library Construction Program Grant application for repair of the Dobbs Ferry Public Library Clock Tower

9.  Resolution:  Consider a resolution to modify the hourly pay rates for civilian employees within the Dobbs Ferry Police Department

10.  Resolution:  Consider a resolution to authorize refund of re-levied sewer rents erroneously collected as property taxes

11.  Resolution:  Consider a resolution approving the audit of claims as submitted and recommended by the Village Treasurer

Trustee Liaison Reports and Announcements 
