Crime Prevention Tips

Crime Prevention Recommendations

While Dobbs Ferry is statistically relatively safe from the incidence of crime, that is of little consequence when one becomes a victim of crime, directly or indirectly. The Dobbs Ferry Police Department recommends that residents follow these crime prevention tips in order to further reduce the incidence of crime:

• Be an observant neighbor. Immediately call 911 to notify the police of any suspicious activity in your neighborhood. Such resident reports are extremely helpful.

• Keep all exterior doors locked, using deadbolt locks. Keep your garage door closed and locked. Make your house appear occupied, including use of timers to activate lights and radios when you are away.

• If you have an alarm, please use it. In addition, consider installing glass break sensors on doors and windows, window magnets, and “pet immune” motion sensors when pets remain in the residence.

• Use “motion detector” lighting around all sides of your home.

• Protect your valuables: Consider a quality home safe to store jewelry and high value items. You may also wish to keep infrequently used valuables in a safe deposit box.

• Do not use social networking alerting people when you will be away from home, as such information may be used by criminals to target specific unattended homes.

• When your home will be vacant due to travel, suspend deliveries of mail and newspapers or have a neighbor collect them in your absence.

• If your home is for sale, be cautious about using a “virtual tour” that displays the layout of your home and its contents on the internet.

• Consider the use of a video surveillance on your property, as such systems can both deter criminal activity and provide valuable evidence for law enforcement.

• Consider having a dog in your family, as dogs have been shown to deter crime. However, a dog should not be purchased simply as a security measure, as it becomes a needy family member that requires care and attention, as well. Criminals don’t like big dogs or yappy ones that alert others to their presence.